
Directory: Catalog > Water Heaters > A.O. Smith > Parts

Parts List: A.O. Smith LB-1000, LW-1000, Series 300/301

  • Links are included to the parts that are available to be purchased.
  • Parts that are not listed in the chart are either discontinued by AO Smith or are not available for purchase.
  • The item number in the first column corresponds to the location of the part in the line art drawing below the chart.


Waterways and Combustion Chamber Parts List:

Item Description
Series 300/301
11 Ignitor 192334 (new # 100110899)
15 Probe, Outlet Temp/ECO 210572 (new # 100110742)
16 Probe, Inlet Temp 210571 (new # 100110747)
20 Sensor, Flame 210421 (new # 100110707)
22 Switch, Safety Flow 211480 (new # 100110588)
- The manufacturer may change part numbers and availability at any time.



Exhaust, Drain and Water Inlet Assembly Parts List:

Item Description
Series 300/301
15 Pump Assembly, Circulator (LW Models) 211538 (new # 100112571)



Jacket/Frame Assembly:

Item Description
Series 300/301
23 Switch, Blower Prover 191666 (new # 100110729)
25 Switch, Rocker 191665-1 (new # 100109882)
27 Transformer (100VA) 210449 (new # 100111982)
31 Switch, Relay 211546 (new # 100111329)



Train/Blower Assembly, Natural Gas:

Item Description
Series 300/301
1 Blower 192195 (new # 100110438)
27 Port, Obersvation Lower 191572 (new # 100049889)
33 Switch, Low Pressure 191149-1 (new # 100109151)
41 Valve, Main Gas 78481-3 (new # 100110223)




Train Assembly, Propane:

Item Description
5 Switch, Low Gas Pressure 191149-3 (new # 100109151)


By-Pass Parts List:

Item Description
5 Relief Valve - LB Model 210451-2 (new # 100111923)



Control Board, Wiring and Harness Assemblies:

Description Part #
Transformer Harness Assembly, Model 1000) 210578 (new # 100109200)
Outlet Temperature Control / ECO Assembly 210572 (new # 100110742)
Tank Probe (LW Models) 211541-1 (new # 100109985)
Inlet Temperature Control Assembly 210571 (new # 100110747)
- Use dash number to indicate length of wire. For example, 20 in. red wire would be 170603-20.




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