
Directory: Catalog > Water Heaters > A.O. Smith > Parts

Parts List: A.O. Smith XVR-50

  • Links are included to the parts that are available to be purchased.
  • Parts that are not listed in the chart are either discontinued by AO Smith or are not available for purchase.
  • The item number in the first column corresponds to the location of the part in the line art drawing below the chart.


Item Description
3 Burner Assembly - Natural Gas 183222-022 (new # 100109314)
3 Burner Assembly - Propane 183222-023 (new # 100109252)
6 Burner Tube with Rubber Boot and Door Insulation - Natural Gas 183163-004 (new # 100109375)
6 Burner Tube with Rubber Boot and Door Insulation - Propane N/A
11 Gas Control Valve - Natural Gas 182791-005 (new # 100109365)
11 Gas Control Valve - Propane 182792-001 (new # 100109367)
19 Pilot Assembly with Grommet and Door Insulation - Natural Gas 183824-180 (new # 100109290)
19 Pilot Assembly with Grommet and Door Insulation - Propane 183824-182 (new # 100109243)
26 20 in. Dia. Aluminum Drain Pan with Side Drain (optional) 23912-A (new # 100108459)
26 22 in. Dia. Aluminum Drain Pan with Side Drain (optional) 23913-A (new # 100108616)
26 28 in. Dia. Aluminum Drain Pan with Side Drain (optional) 23914-A (new # 100108615)
- The manufacturer may change part numbers and availability at any time.
+ Not Illustrated.


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