Radiant Design Services
It probably would be easier if you just let us figure
out what you need.
Thank you for your interest in our boilers and radiant systems. In order to
properly size a boiler and to determine the materials you need for a radiant floor
system, a heat loss and design plan would need to be completed. What happens is
that you provide us a print of your home, and we use computer software to accurately
determine the BTU heat loss of the structure and also the layout of the radiant
Customarily we have an upfront design charge of 5 cents per square foot; we
then give you the design plan (which includes the parts list) which you can use
to purchase your supplies from us (or any other vendor of your choice). If you
decide to purchase the materials from us, we will then credit the design charges
to the stock order.
So in essence the design charge ends up being free. To get started, please
complete the following radiant zone worsheet
and fax or email it back to us.
